This kind of Thai massage is concentrated on the upper body parts, that is on the back, arms, hands, neck and head. It is a combination of techniques used in Thai massage – acupressure, passive yoga, stretching, Ayurveda, basing on compression and stretching techniques. Disorders in the cerebral circulation cause headaches, migraines, memory and concentration problems, insomnia, and even depression. Whereas disorders in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar vertebrae cause curvature, degeneracy and dangerous alterations
Who is it for?
Upper body massage is especially recommended to people suffering from chronic headaches, backaches, arm, neck and spine pain. It is also a perfect idea for unwinding and muscle relaxation for busy people, exposed to stress, leading a sedentary lifestyle or spending a lot of time in one position.
- Elimination of the upper body parts pain
- Help in the fight against insomnia and depression
- Muscle groups relaxation, and thus a general improvement of well-being
- Stimulation of the circulation, which, among many, strengthens the hair roots, preventing baldness