According to Thai philosophy, Thai massage is based on the theory that the body is filled with molecules whose name is “lom”. Initially, they are inhaled into the lungs and then travel along the body through energy channels, of which there are as many as 72 thousand! This relaxing and calming massage is performed using essential oils with regular but firm, strong and smooth movements of the massage therapist. In Thai massage with essential oils, the sequences of kneading and stretching movements, as well as elements taken from acupressure and reflexology are applied. By combining various techniques in Thai massage you will experience energy flow through the body, improvement of blood and lymph circulation, and metabolism improvement. Due to essential oils, which have antiseptic, antibacterial and calming properties, you will improve the condition and hydration of your skin. This massage is performed with the use of essential oils containing lavender, palisander, pranjipani, rose, ylang-ylang mint, and sandalwood extracts. The intensity of a massage is adjusted to your individual needs, for example, health problems or muscle tightness.